Sunday, May 25, 2014

Proof of the sum of cubes formula

The way I first derived this formula was to simply compute a number of cubes and sum them:

13 = 1
13 + 23 = 9
13 + 23 + 3= 36
... + 4= 100
... + 5= 225
... + 6= 441

At this point, a very reasonable guess is that each sum is a perfect square. If we each align successive term of the series with the square root of the sum of the cubes to that point, we have

1 : 1
2 : 3
3 : 6
4 : 10
5 : 15
6 : 21

This should be recognizable as the simple cumulative sum of the integers in a series, the formula for which is

Sn = n(n + 1) / 2.

Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that the direct formula for the sum of cubes from 1 to n is

[n(n + 1) / 2]2.

This is what we will prove below.


  1. Alex, thank you for doing this proof! n previous math classes I have worked with this problem, but we never proved it or even talked about the proof. This is a wonderful proof, it allows me to make connections between things some previous professors have said about it. Great Job!

  2. I agree with Ashley. Clear and precise proof by induction. Only thing I'd add for an exemplar would be consolidation. One framework we sometimes use is what? (recap - not so necessary here), so what? (why does it matter) or now what? (given this, what do you wonder about next).
